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Generate personal Job Application Answers.

Specific questions like "Why do you want to work for us?" are common in job applications.

Simply feed in the job description to our Answer Generator, and our AI will generate a free concise, catchy, and short response for those little text blocks in applications!

Brought to you by Eztrackr.

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Personalized AI tools, track and manage your job applications, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are you? What's Eztrackr?

We're the team behind Eztrackr, a job tracking tool that helps you organize your job hunt. We built Eztrackr to help job seekers manage their job applications and stay organized. With Eztrackr, you can save the jobs you apply in 2 clicks and track your progress, view statistics, and more all in one intutive dashboard.

How does the job application answer generator work?

Simply plug in job details and the question asked in the application and we'll generate a response for you. You can then copy and paste the response into the application. Since we don't have your resume here, the response will be generic. If you want a more personalized response, you can sign up for a free account and upload your resume.

How many answers can I generate for free?

As many as you want! However, to get the most personalized answer to YOUR resume, we ask you to sign up for a free account so you can upload your resume. This service is also free!

Is this tool free?

Yes! This tool is free to use. We also have a free job tracking tool that you can use to organize your job hunt.

What kind of questions can I generate answers for?

You can ask it any question you would normally see in a job application. For example, you can ask "Why do you want to work for us?" or "What makes you a good fit for this role?". Some more examples are: "What are your strengths?", "What are your weaknesses?", "What are your career goals?", and "Why should we hire you?".

Why is this tool free?

We built this tool to help job seekers. We understand that job hunting is hard and we want to make it easier for you. We also have a free job tracking tool that you can use to organize your job hunt.

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